A more traditional evangelical congregation, Loudonville Community Church near Albany, NY wanted a space to accommodate both classical instruments and voice with natural (space) acoustics and amplified sound for contemporary worship. This 900 seat space is equipped with state-of-the-art audio, video and lighting while preserving a more traditional 'church' appearance.
This expandable worship center designed for Walnut Hill Community Church in Bethel, CT. has the unique feature of a 3-part floor. The front most section is flat to accommodate round tables for dinner-theater productions, while the central band of seats is on a sloped floor, and the expansion section (removable back wall) is amphitheater seating. Total capacity 1,400 seats.
A very unique adaptive reuse, Bethel Church at Philadelphia Mills, occupies a former multi-plex cinema. This phase 1 auditorium combined two theaters to create a 600 seat phase 1. Two more vacant theaters on either side will provide an additional 600 seats in a semi-circle arrangement for a total capacity of 1,200