The Church and ministry is all about the people God has called you to love and serve. We keep this in the forefront of our minds as we work, developing creative and cost-effective solutions to meet your need for space. Too many times churches build wrong, often as a result of poor counsel provided by building professionals, contractors and financiers. “Building wrong” can take on many forms. Perhaps there was no consideration made for the likelihood of future phases (no master plan as a starting point). Or maybe the architect was more intent on making an artistic statement than understanding the churches needs. Worst of all is over-building financially, resulting in the focus of the ministry shifting from meeting the needs of the people to paying for the new edifice and its associated operating costs. This is why our starting point is always understanding your mission, culture and available resources. Utilizing the knowledge we’ve gained by our vast experience, we craft effective spaces - for Community, for Children & Youth, for Worship, Education, and for Missions. Check out some of these spaces here…